OWW Black Friday Gift Giving Guide

Quite frankly, we’re tired of the commercialization of the holiday season. While Americans experience more materialism over their lifetimes than any other culture, this time of year means the madness to possess goes on overdrive.

What should you give someone that seems to have everything (other than penicillin…)? We’ve put together a list of suggestions that should interest almost everyone you are pondering over, with the thought that instead of presenting them with the customary trinket that they may or may not like, take that same amount of money you would have spent and make a donation in their name to something bigger than them.

Our list is not comprehensive or complete. We want you to tell us what else you’ve thought of.

Clean Water:
Charity: Waterwater provides projects to communities in Africa, Asia, South America and other regions. From hand dug wells to water purification systems, their work has affected millions.

K.I.N.D. – Kids in Need of Desks supplies desks for students in Malawi, Africa. Chairs, desks and school supplies are basic needs for education, providing the beginning glimpses of a future.

Women’s Rights
Gifts that give back to women includes a socially responsible gift list from ten different organizations around the world, each with their own options and ideas.

Health Care
Doctors Without Borders brings needed medical help to areas without established health care, countries affected by disasters and regions affected by conflict.

Remote Area Medical: Buy a dental visit or other service for someone for $28, pay for an entire 1/2 hour of a clinic for only $663.

Famine/Hunger Relief
Heifer International lets you donate a goat, chicken, heifer or sheep. Giving an animal is like giving someone a small business, providing wool, milk, eggs and more.

We think you get the idea here. It doesn’t take long to find whatever you gift recipient’s interest might be to make a difference in someone’s life. Sometimes these kinds of gifts give far beyond the pretty package you can wrap the donation card into. Pay it forward.

By now you come down on one side of the fence or the other. You either live for Black Friday shopping, or you avoid it at all costs. You’ve probably also heard about the movement to boycott shopping in support of Michael Brown.

If you must shop for items, here’s a few simple rules to keep in mind:

  • Do not pay with credit cards.
  • Shop local “mom-and-pop” stores for unique gifts
  • Look for gifts made in your country of origin
Photo courtesy of Boycott Black Friday via FaceBook

Photo courtesy of Boycott Black Friday via FaceBook

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About MNgranny

MNgranny has been an activist since the age of 17. After earning a BA in Mass Communications and enjoying a 30 year career, she is now disabled and dedicates her life to that activism. Her experiences include volunteering in community service organizations and taking leadership roles throughout her academic and professional life. She is also a survivor of rape and domestic violence, a published author and a master naturalist. She is also a professional member of the United States Press Association. She has focused for the last several years and specializes in Kurdish history, culture and politics.

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