Not A Nuke Nuke Joke

We at Occupy World Writes try to be apolitical as much as possible. We find both parties to be hypocritical to a large degree, and we’d rather remain equal opportunity critics. However, the chuckleheads who have taken over conservative politics are especially worthy of our scorn. We could talk about their fiscal irresponsibility or their […]

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Bibi’s Blunders

Next Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak before a joint session of Congress. We wrote a piece the day after his speech was announced. In it, we discussed what made this speech different. From the breach of protocol with the end run around the White House in arranging and announcing the speech […]

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Israel Needs A Change of Address

On March 3, 2015, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the United States Congress less than two weeks before his re-election campaign in Israel. The invitation from Speaker of the House John Boehner, was extended as a means of creating political divide between the two major US political parties, and has become successful not […]

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Outsourcing Our Foreign Policy

Yesterday morning, Speaker of the House John Boehner announced that he had invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Now, inviting foreign leaders to address Congress is nothing new; for example, this is Netanyahu’s third time speaking in front of Congress (the first foreign leader since Winston Churchill to […]

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