Tag Archives: Oppression

The West’s Silence Is Deafening as Worst Nightmare Unfolds in Post-Coup Turkey

By Darius Shahtahmasebi. Published 7-28-2016 by The Anti-Media

Tayyip Erdogan, John Kerry and Barack Obama; Wales, 2014. Photo: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

Tayyip Erdogan, John Kerry and Barack Obama; Wales, 2014. Photo: Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

The Turkish mission to weed out every possible element of dissent continues, with the government of Turkey reportedly dismissing close to 1,700 military personnel and shutting down 131 media outlets throughout the country.

Of the servicemen recently fired in Turkey, 149 were generals and admirals, meaning approximately 40 percent of all of generals and admirals in Turkey’s military are now without jobs. Continue reading

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Jimmy Johns Delivers Oppression Faster Than Anyone Else!

Photo by Austin Loman (http://austinloman.blogspot.com)

Photo by Austin Loman (http://austinloman.blogspot.com)

Yes, we’re talking about that sandwich shop that makes the claim of being super-fast on delivery of your deli sandwich. What they don’t tell you about in their marketing campaigns is the non-compete clause they require every employee to sign.

The clause bans all employees from being able to work for any “competitor” within a three mile radius of ANY Jimmy Johns for a full two years after leaving Jimmy John’s employment. A “competitor” is any business that derives 10% or more of food sales through sandwich products. This includes all fast food establishments, almost all dinner restaurants, gas stations, vending services, schools, daycare centers, hospitals with cafeterias and anywhere else you might find sandwich makers trying to steal Jimmy John’s “proprietary” practices. Continue reading

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