Tag Archives: UN

Elon Musk’s Twitter is more dangerous than you think

Beyond Musk’s oft-repeated rants about free speech, may lie shadier plans to recoup the $44bn he paid for the site

By Adam Ramsay  Published 11-11-2022 by openDemocracy

The world is burning and Ukraine is trudging into a winter of war. Prices are spiralling and the NHS is limping. The US and Brazil have held the line against fascism, just, while Italy has fallen to the far right. Watching the disastrous takeover of Twitter by the world’s richest bam can feel a little frivolous. So what if it becomes a rich boy’s toy? It often felt like that anyway.

But the thing is, we can’t solve the world’s problems without talking, and social media has become the way we do that. At its best, a space beyond the increasingly oligarch-owned press where citizens of the world can chatter, gossip, joke and revolt; can organise into new collectives and explore new identities and senses of self. At its worst, well, I don’t need to tell you. Continue reading

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Israel vs Palestine: David & Goliath in 2015

The United Nations HRC (Human Rights Council) is scheduled to release a 277-page report this week regarding findings of their investigation into the 2014 Gaza War. The Israeli response to Hamas-fired rockets was a 50-day campaign of shelling, air strikes and ground encroachment resulting in more than 2,256 Palestinians killed, including 1,563 civilians, a U.N. report said last March. Sixty-seven Israeli soldiers and six civilians in Israel also died in the conflict.

The HRC began their investigation last July, and held earlier findings to consider further evidence.

Tribute to four boys killed on Gaza beach. Image via Twitter.

Tribute to four boys killed on Gaza beach. Image via Twitter.

Most everyone has seen the horrifying footage of the four Palestinian teenage boys running for their lives on the beach last summer. Most of us remember that the Israeli military killed those four children only because they could, not because the boys posed any threat at all. And no one can forget the footage of the families of these kids finding out their most precious thing in life was ripped from them. The Israelis issued a report totally exonerating themselves of all wrong doing for this incident.

The Senator from Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has proclaimed the HRC report to be a waste of time. Israel is now releasing their own findings of their own investigation, and have decided after careful and thoughtful consideration, that the Gaza War campaign was a completely legal military exercise meant only for Israel to protect herself. The UN numbers are disputed, the total devastation is disregarded, and the report is labeled as objective. Continue reading

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Wasted Away Again

“Clean your plate, There’s starving children in the world.” “Don’t eat that! It’s past its expiration date!” “I’m too full to finish.” “No thanks, we don’t eat leftovers…” “What is that thing in the refrigerator?”

Grocery stores, restaurants, fast food chains, agriculture, food industries and manufacturing all produce huge amounts of food that are thrown out. Additionally, one must consider the resources used to produce that “thing” that is being discarded. 40% of the food Americans purchase is disposed of without ever being consumed.

How many times have you seen, participated in, or known of food being thrown out? Has it ever occurred to you what the impact of this waste amounts to?

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has published Food Wastage Footprint: Impacts on Natural Resources Summary Report. In the first ever study of the question of food chain security and its relationship to natural resources throughout the world, the FAO has identified areas of concern that should bring every individual on the planet to the level of awareness and action.

Their report begins, “FAO estimates that each year, approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. This food wastage represents a missed opportunity to improve global food security, but also to mitigate environmental impacts and resources use from food chains. Although there is today a wide recognition of the major environmental implications of food production, no study has yet analysed the impacts of global food wastage from an environmental perspective.”

The quickest way to grasp the basics of their research, watch this clip:

Occupy World Writes sees concern when reading this report and considering the impact of global unrest and climate change. Wars and terrorism have prevented crops from being planted, from being harvested and from being taken to market. Refugees go without sufficient nutritional food while stockpiles of perishables rot in warehouses. Climate change has brought drought to regions that have always produced abundant food, and floods have stricken various regions of the world, wiping out crops, food supplies and infrastructure needed to replace them.

Before you toss that next apple away, refuse to take a box home from the restaurant or don’t bother to use what you purchase, consider how much more you are wasting than just the food item you decide is not consumable. How much energy? How many gallons of water? How much fuel and electricity was consumed in order to give you the opportunity to make this choice?


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