Tag Archives: Gavin Newsom

The American West Is Burning But Trump Hasn’t Mentioned Historic Wildfires in ‘Any Way, Shape, or Form’ for Nearly 3 Weeks

“President Trump’s silence and complete disregard for the millions of people at risk is horrifying,” said one climate advocate.

By Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams. Published 9/10/2020

Photo: Forest Service NW/Twitter

Climate action advocates and journalists are calling out President Donald Trump’s silence for nearly three weeks, as historic wildfires have torn across the western United States, devastating communities that were already struggling in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and related economic crisis.

Both CNN and the group Climate Power 2020—which works to put the Trump administration on defense for ignoring scientists and serving polluters—pointed out Thursday that the president hasn’t publicly addressed the climate change-fueled fires “in any way, shape, or form” since August, despite attending dozens of events. Continue reading

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