How’s That Globalization Working For You?

Syrian Za'atri Refugee Camp. Photo by U.S. Department of State [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Syrian Za’atri Refugee Camp. Photo by U.S. Department of State [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Is the world really globalized? For the most part, it seems so. Until it comes to the Americans.

We have talked about the problem with the media in a previous post. No clearer example can be used to illustrate this problem than with the events since the grinding halt of real news in this country after the breaking story of a governor’s alleged involvement in a traffic jam.

This has obsessed the news media to the saturation level equal to that of Super Storm Sandy.

Meanwhile, most Americans do not know that a state of emergency has been declared in Thailand, which allows the government to use military forces to defeat the peaceful protestors in Bangkok.

In Kiev, warnings have been issued by the government that it is perfectly legal to replace the rubber bullets they have been using against the protestors with live ammunition.

Geneva II talks have convened for discussion regarding Syria. On the eve of those talks, the UN and several Human Rights organizations are reviewing a War Crimes Report proving the Assad regime’s atrocities unequaled in horror since 1945.

The released War Crimes Report appeared in an article in The New York Times with a report from Robert Mackey, presenting evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out in Syria by the Assad regime in a systematic campaign of torture and carnage.

If America wants to grow up and play ball with the rest of the world by talking about “globalization,” may we suggest starting with finding out what is going on?

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