Tag Archives: Lyme’s disease

‘Very Bad News’: Human Activities Increased Extinction Rate of Species Groups by 35 Times

“What we’re losing are our only known living companions in the entire universe,” one study author said.

By Olivia Rosane. Published 9-19-2023 by Common Dreams

Passenger pigeon at the Boston Science Museum, in Boston, MA. The genus went extinct in 1914. Photo: Curious Expeditions/flickr/CC

In what researchers call a “biological annihilation,” human activities are driving entire groupings of vertebrate species to extinction at a rate 35 times what it would have been without human interference.

The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Monday, found that 73 genera—the next thickest branch from species on tree of life—had been lost since A.D. 1500. Without the mass exploitation of the natural world that took off around that date with European colonization, the number lost in the past 500 years would have been only two, and it would have taken 18,000 years to reach 73 extinctions.

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