Delays Can Have Advantages

Usually red tape makes most of us mad or at the very least, frustrated.  But we finally found an example of how following the process and dealing with government red tape can actually have good advantages. The State Department, in a call with a staff member, told Reuters on April 18, that they will “extend […]

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Oil’s Well That Ends Well?

In yesterday’s post, I talked about a Canadian company attempting to use northern Minnesota to generate a profit for their shareholders while avoiding responsibility for the environmental havoc they’d create while doing so. Today, we’ll discuss another Canadian company that’s trying the same thing. Enbridge Energy’s been in the news quite a bit recently due […]

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Not in His Front Yard!

March 2, 2014: Approximately 1,000 activists rallied outside the White House in Washington DC to demonstrate their opposition to Keystone XL being approved. After hearing President Obama decry foreign governments for not allowing the voices of the people to be heard in front of their nation’s capital buildings, we watched as 398 of these protestors, […]

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