Tag Archives: Islam

Why Extremism Can Not Be Labeled

Image via Internet.

Image via Internet.

The discussion in the news media in the past few days has been regarding President Obama’s comments, the name of the terrorist group known as IS, ISIL, ISIS or Daesh, and whether this is a “religious” group or “just” extremists.

The majority of US mainstream media does not grasp the complexity of this terror organization. Unwilling to think outside the box of predisposed personal biases toward their own faiths, they can not grasp that Muslims are facing the same complication within Islam when  Daesh claims their name.

As we have pointed out in a past article, attempting to put simple labels on complex ideologies is not only dangerous, it is misguided and, when coming from media outlets, is also unethical. Continue reading

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Freedom Comes With Responsibility

Image via Internet.

Image via Internet.

When the Sony story broke regarding “The Interview,” we posted “The Greatest Security Risk” and received the following comment, which has stayed with us since:

I must be missing something here? What the hell are we doing making a movie, even if it’s a spoof, about assassinating the leader of another country? If the answer is, our right to free speech or our right to freedom of the press, I say hogwash. Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it.
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Flag Burning At Its Finest

Flag used by Islamic State. Image via FaceBook.

Flag used by Islamic State. Image via FaceBook.

The people of Lebanon are rising up to protest against the Islamic State, and in particular the alleged beheading of a Lebanese soldier by ISIS – by challenging the world to burn ISIS flags and post photos of them doing so. But there are those in the government of that country that oppose this action, claiming the flags are religious symbols, which one may not desecrate according to Lebanese law, according to a report in the JewishPress.com.

The ISIS flag contains a religious writing at the bottom that translates to “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.”

The controversy began August 30 when 3 youths posted pictures of themselves burning the ISIS flag in Sassine Square in Ashrafieh. The website Al-Akhbar reports that Lebanon’s Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi is now demanding the arrest of anyone who burns the ISIS flag. MP Ibrahim Kanaan said he would represent the group of three boys in court, who were the first to burn the ISIS flag, if the prosecutor charges them.

The concept is starting to go viral in Lebanon, and it has some Islamists worried.

We do not intend any offense to Islam or to Muslims throughout the world. As one of the world’s oldest and largest religious faiths, Islam is both divine and deserving of all respect. As non-Muslims, we apologize in advance for any misunderstanding.

It matters not what the government of Lebanon – or any other country – has to say about the world’s readiness to reject this group and all it represents. Islam teaches that religious faith and purity is not achieved in conversion through coercion. To that regard, ISIS is not representative of Islam any more than Ghandi is representative of violent uprising.

It also occurs to us that when ISIS uses this symbolic religious writing on their flag, it does so in violation of the very faith it claims to observe. While killing innocent men, women and children, raping and selling others, and burying still more alive, the barbaric actions are neither religious or holy. We believe ISIS to be the very spawn of the devil they claim to seek to destroy.

So we support those who would burn the ISIS flag, And we support those that will do so at risk.


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