Notre Dame: The World Weeps with France

Photo: Madhurantakam [CC BY-SA 3.0]

For over 850 years, the Cathedral of Notre Dame has been a gift to humanity. The towering spires, stained glass windows and Gothic architecture inspired every visitor, set the stage for magnificent weddings and witnessed the history, culture and politics of France expressed throughout its inspiring past.

On April 15, 2019, the cathedral caught on fire and burned. The image of the spire collapsing will never leave the hearts and souls of the French people. We extend our deepest regrets and offer this video that captured just a touch of the glory Notre Dame was. Join us in remembrance.

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About MNgranny

MNgranny has been an activist since the age of 17. After earning a BA in Mass Communications and enjoying a 30 year career, she is now disabled and dedicates her life to that activism. Her experiences include volunteering in community service organizations and taking leadership roles throughout her academic and professional life. She is also a survivor of rape and domestic violence, a published author and a master naturalist. She is also a professional member of the United States Press Association. She has focused for the last several years and specializes in Kurdish history, culture and politics.

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