Oil’s Not Well In Venezuela

To consumers, the decline in oil prices over the last nine months has been a welcome turn of events. From the gas pump to our home utilities bills, we’ve welcomed the lower prices, and thus the extra money we have. We hear various talking heads espousing about how lower oil prices will stimulate growth and lead […]

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Chaos In Caracas

Yesterday, thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets to protest against President Nicolas Maduro’s government and the deepening economic crisis in the country. We’ve written about the protests last spring and the Maduro government’s response; since then, the situation’s only become worse. Last year’s protests centered around the chronic shortages of basic goods, inflation and corruption […]

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A Few Unruly Students?

On February 18, in “Venezuela: Playing the Blame Game,” we talked about the protests taking place in Venezuela’s capitol, with concern of demonstrations spreading. Today, Al Jazeera reports “Venezuelan security forces and demonstrators have faced off in streets blocked by burning barricades in several cities in an escalation of protests against President Nicolas Maduro’s socialist […]

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Venezuela: Playing the Blame Game

Have you been to Caracas lately? Chances are, if you are an American, you will be expelled from Venezuela as a result. On Monday, 2-17-2014, three US diplomats were expelled, following expulsion of three diplomats in October on charges of stirring up labor protests, and two were also expelled earlier in 2013 on the day […]

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