Tag Archives: repression

Why resistance is the shortest way to global justice

In a context of growing injustice, reclaiming the importance and the meaning of the word resistance is more urgent than ever.

By Alaa Tartir. Published 11-16-2016 by openDemocracy

Beautiful resistance – found in a Bethlehem refugee camp. Photo: HFOY

Beautiful resistance – found in a Bethlehem refugee camp. Photo: HFOY

The world dis-(order) continues to expand and take different shapes and forms, and so does injustice. The democratic norms are in crisis and the political representation gap continues to widen.

New conflicts keep erupting in this highly securitised world, and new technologies of oppression and aggression are deployed. Global citizens feel less empowered, and far from the core of their political systems. The answer to all of this is resistance.  Continue reading

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