Tag Archives: Employment

Jimmy Johns Delivers Oppression Faster Than Anyone Else!

Photo by Austin Loman (http://austinloman.blogspot.com)

Photo by Austin Loman (http://austinloman.blogspot.com)

Yes, we’re talking about that sandwich shop that makes the claim of being super-fast on delivery of your deli sandwich. What they don’t tell you about in their marketing campaigns is the non-compete clause they require every employee to sign.

The clause bans all employees from being able to work for any “competitor” within a three mile radius of ANY Jimmy Johns for a full two years after leaving Jimmy John’s employment. A “competitor” is any business that derives 10% or more of food sales through sandwich products. This includes all fast food establishments, almost all dinner restaurants, gas stations, vending services, schools, daycare centers, hospitals with cafeterias and anywhere else you might find sandwich makers trying to steal Jimmy John’s “proprietary” practices. Continue reading

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Don’t Disabled Workers Deserve the Minimun?

By ParentingPatch (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

By ParentingPatch (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Harold and Sheila Leigland are blind. They live in Great Falls, Montana, where 66-year-old Harold, a former massage therapist with a college degree, hangs clothes at the Goodwill store for $5.46 per hour. Last summer, Sheila was forced to quit her position at Goodwill doing the same job as Harold when her wage was dropped from $3.50 to $2.75 per hour following knee surgery.

Every six months, Harold is subjected to time studies to determine if his wage can be lowered or raised. Sheila explains that this was the most humiliating and stressful part of her previous position at Goodwill. She felt that the tests are made more difficult to justify lowering wages, despite consistencies workers show in job performance.

They actually have it quite good in Great Falls at the Goodwill store. Some states pay their disabled workers as little as .22 cents and hour, with one state reporting wages as low as ONE CENT per hour. In case you think (or hope) there must be a law being broken here, sadly we must inform you that this is entirely legal. Due to a 1938 loophole in the law which has never been corrected, modernized or abolished altogether, employers can hire disabled workers for less than minimum wage. Currently, estimates are that over 216,000 workers are affected.

Section 14(c) of the FLSA authorizes employers, after receiving a certificate from the Wage and Hour Division, to pay special minimum wages wages less than the Federal minimum wage to workers who have disabilities for the work being performed. “A worker who has disabilities for the job being performed is one whose earning or productive capacity is impaired by a physical or mental disability, including those relating to age or injury. Disabilities which may affect productive capacity include blindness, mental illness, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, alcoholism and drug addiction.”

FOH Chapter 64, Employment of Workers with Disabilities at Special Minimum Wages under Section 14(c), provides general guidance on the administration and enforcement of this program. It is over 100 pages in length.

Goodwill is not the only employer to use this loophole to pay less than federal minimum wage to disabled workers. Most employers taking advantage of the loophole are charitable organizations, where CEO earnings are often upward of a half million dollars.

Mental illness includes depression, panic disorder and PTSD. So for all practical purposes, it is completely legal for a veteran to return from service and finally find employment while attempting to adjust back to civilian life, only to be paid as little as the employer determines to pay. If a victim of a car accident survives the injuries but remains disabled for life, they can look forward to never being able to earn even the federal minimum wage. If an aging worker wants to continue working, the employer can reduce the wage to an unsustainable level, forcing the worker to quit.

Goodwill includes in their mission statement that it is their goal “to eliminate barriers to opportunity and help people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.” We do not believe that should include exploitation of disabled workers, and call on individuals to make a personal choice to boycott Goodwill until all employees are paid the same federal minimum wage, regardless of disabilities.

Occupy World Writes calls on legislators in Washington to correct this stain on America’s spirit of fairness and non-discrimination in her employment laws. We encourage those who agree that Section 14(c) of the FLSA needs to be abolished join with other voices by signing the petition at the link below. We also strongly suggest writing or calling your representative or congressional member and ask them to correct this wrong.

Disabled Rights are Civil Rights. Civil Rights are Human Rights.

Click here to sign the petition!

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Employment for fun and profit

By Gretschman for Occupy World Writes

Photo By Eberhard Petzold, http://www.foto-dock.com [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Photo By Eberhard Petzold, http://www.foto-dock.com [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Long term unemployment is at its highest level in the United States since World War II. At the time of this post being written, the prospect for any governmental intervention to help the long term unemployed gain any further benefits is stalled in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is an emblematic symbol of the inability of our government to do much meaningful to help the 99%.

How do we create an economy the provides good paying long term jobs for everyone  willing and able to work? Not by shipping our manufacturing jobs overseas along with the empty containers and debt that comes with buying those goods from the nations who NOW manufacture the goods that we used to produce here. Not by signing another trade agreement that will allow more jobs to be sent to the countries who still have no viable laws against child labor. Not by buying the goods that are produced in countries that have tariffs against IMPORTS and provide subsidies that further allow them to undermine anything that may be construed as fair trade. Not by further deregulating our commodities and allowing speculators to drive up the prices of these commodities by 30% for the simple purpose of lining the pockets of the speculators themselves.

We can no longer listen to the mantra that we are becoming a “service oriented nation” which appears to have been a cover to get us to pay no attention to the fact that our good paying manufacturing jobs were being sold for the convenience and bank accounts of the 1%.

We need to invest in OUR infrastructure, OUR education system, and OUR workers. We need to vote with our wallets. We need to DEMAND that the politicians we elect have a REAL plan for full employment – employment within our borders – not outside.

We can’t all ask each other “do you want fries with that?” if we want to prosper.

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