Tag Archives: Spain

US Inequality Crisis Worst in Industrialized World. Trump Will Make It Worse.

If the policies favored by the Trump administration—including massive tax cuts for the rich and reductions in spending on Medicaid and education—go into effect, the U.S. will only fall further in the global rankings

By Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams. Published 7-17-2017

“Policymaking processes dominated by elites undermine democracy,” Max Lawson and Matthew Martin write. (Photo: Dean Chahim/Flickr/cc)

The United States is already the most unequal industrialized nation in the world, and a new report published on Monday shows that President Donald Trump’s agenda would only make matters worse.

“The Commitment to Reducing Inequality Index,” developed by Oxfam in partnership with Development Finance International (DFI), uses several factors to “measure the commitment of governments to reducing the gap between the rich and the poor.”

Compared to other wealthy nations, the report concludes, the U.S. is doing “very badly” in the fight against income and wealth inequality. Continue reading

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The ‘terrorism’ of puppets: Spain’s crackdown on dissent

The arrest of two Spanish puppeteers accused of “promoting terrorism” in a play reveals the violence of the state in a way that satire never could.

By Peter Gelderoos. Published 2-11-2016 by ROAR Magazine

Demonstration in Madrid demanding the release of the two puppeteers on February 6. Photo: Revolution News

Demonstration in Madrid demanding the release of the two puppeteers on February 6. Photo: Revolution News

Farce and satire have been tools for criticizing authority figures since time immemorial, eroding their inflated social status, and bringing them back down to earth. But when the ruling class is limited only by their own courts and their own laws, they can surpass the cruelest farcical caricatures of unreasonable authority to make sure that when the curtain falls, no one is laughing.

The two puppeteers imprisoned for promoting terrorism in Spain last weekend might see the irony in their situation, but they are probably not smiling.

Raúl García and Alfonso Lázaro were performing a theater piece about government frame-ups during the Carnival celebrations in Madrid last Friday, February 5. In a sort of Punch and Judy routine, a witch puppet battled it out with a landlord, a judge, a nun, and the police. Continue reading

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Pain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain

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March 22, 2014: The Marches for Dignity M-22, a protest against austerity, turned violent resulting in 88 being injured and 29 arrested in Madrid, according to a report in RT. The demonstrators are demanding an end to the so-called Troika-style cuts in Spain, more jobs and affordable housing.

The protest was scheduled by demonstrators objecting to austerity. Hoisting banners reading “no more cuts!” and similar messages, the protesters called for an end to the government’s “empty promises.” Spain’s current unemployment rate is 26%. Hundreds of people are evicted from their homes every day. The General Council of the Judiciary reported that 49,984 forced evictions had been carried out across the country last year, which averages about 185 a day. The conditions left many Spanish citizens with nowhere to turn. This is reflected in the growing number of suicides in the country, with the country’s National Institute of Statistics estimating that at least 8 people take their lives every day in the country.

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Using tactics including teargas and baton beatings, riot police blocked the protestors from breaking through a barrier. The Spanish authorities have deployed 1,650 riot police to keep the situation under control.

“The mass rally was coming to an an end when reportedly a group of younger protesters, who had masks on their faces, started throwing rocks at the police. Police tried to push them away from the parameter that they organized around this area,” RT’s Egor Piskunov reported from Madrid.

“They (police) tried to push them (protesters) away from these police fences and then we started seeing firecrackers being thrown at police and reportedly authorities started firing rubber bullets at the protesters. As a result, there are injuries on both sides and several people have been arrested as well.”

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Six “columns” of trains, cars and buses, as well as bands of pedestrians have travelled from Extremadura, Andalusia, Valencia, Murcia, Asturias, Galicia and Aragon, among other Spanish regions, to converge on Madrid in mass protest this Saturday,” the report adds.

Occupy World Writes stands in solidarity with those in Madrid and throughout Spain who seek a peaceful resolution to the austerity that is oppressing them. We call on all governments to address the basic human rights and needs of their people in expeditious measures that result in progress and growth.

The Spanish Spring has arrived!

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Solidarity Matters

We believe strength comes from standing together in Solidarity with others facing struggles which may or may not be similar to our own. By understanding we are all connected in the mind and spirit of bringing change for the betterment of the 99%, we agree that regardless of location, your cause is all our cause, your issue becomes all our issue, your struggle becomes all our struggle. Send us news stories pertaining to the issues you face so others can stand in Solidarity with you.

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Photo: DPA

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