Tag Archives: labor

Sanders Praises $35 Cap on Inhalers Just Six Months After Probe Into ‘Outrageous’ Prices

“Americans who have asthma and COPD should not be forced to pay, in many cases, 10 to 70 times more for the same exact inhalers as patients in Europe and other parts of the world,” said the independent senator from Vermont.

By Jon Queally. Published 6-2-2024 by Common Dreams

Screenshot: NBC News

Less than six months after launching a probe in the U.S. Senate into “the outrageously high prices” that asthma patients and others across the country pay for inhalers, Sen. Bernie Sanders celebrated the official start of a new program by one of the largest makers in the industry on Saturday to cap out of pocket costs at $35.

Sanders (I-Vt.), chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, said Saturday was “the first day of a new program instituted by the major pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, which will allow people with asthma and COPD to purchase brand name inhalers at their local drugstore or pharmacy for only $35 dollars.”

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Netanyahu vs not Netanyahu: Israel’s absurd election fiasco

The country’s leaders talk of Jerusalem as an ‘undivided capital’ Yet, half of the population is denied the right to vote

By Jalal Abukhater  Published 3-24-2021 by openDEmocracy

Photo: George Roussos/Twitter

Another general election just concluded in Israel, the fourth in two years. Beyond the clichés of ‘Groundhog Day’ or ‘election fatigue’ affecting the turnout, not many are actually talking about the utter absurdity of the whole thing.

The major election, held on 23 March 2021, which directly impacts nearly 14 million people living between the ‘river and the sea’, where over a third are denied voting rights, comes down to whether or not one man gets to remain as prime minister. Continue reading

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Trump Labor Dept Slammed for ‘Wholly Inadequate’ Overtime Pay Rule That ‘Leaves Behind Millions of Workers’

“Once again, President Trump has sided with the interests of corporate executives over those of working people.”

By Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams. Published 9-24-2019

President Donald Trump speaks at the Shell Pennsylvania Petrochemicals Complex in Monaca, Pennsylvania on Aug. 13, 2019.. Screenshot: YouTube

Labor rights advocates and progressive economists slammed the Trump administration after the Department of Labor announced Tuesday a final rule on overtime pay to replace a bolder Obama-era proposal blocked by a federal court in Texas.

“While the administration may be trumpeting this rule as a good thing for workers, that is a ruse,” said Heidi Shierholz, director of policy at the Economic Policy Institute (EPI). “In reality, the rule leaves behind millions of workers who would have received overtime protections under the much stronger rule, published in 2016, that Trump administration abandoned.” Continue reading

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‘This Is a Democracy, Not a Dictatorship’: Federal Workers Union Sues Donald Trump

“This president seems to think he is above the law, and we are not going to stand by while he tries to shred workers’ rights.”

By Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams. Published 5-31-2018

What’s disgusting? Union busting.’ The AFGE on Wednesday filed suit against the Trump administration over its attack on the right of public sector unions to organize. (Photo: @AFGENational)

The nation’s largest union of federal workers filed suit against the Trump administration on Wednesday over an executive order signed by President Donald Trump that seeks to deny workers the right to job site representation—an established guarantee in existing labor law.

The lawsuit (pdf) by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), a member of the AFL-CIO which represents approximately 700,000 federal employees, argues that among a slate of anti-worker orders signed by the president last Friday, one of them specifically exceeds the president’s constitutional authority and violates the First Amendment right of workers to freely associate. Continue reading

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Post Labor Day

By Gretschman for Occupy World Writes

Violence in Chicago escalated when federal troops came to break the 1894 Pullman factory strike, as illustrated in this drawing from Harper's Weekly. More than one thousand rail cars were destroyed, and 13 people were killed. (Photo courtesy Chicago Historical Society) via WikiMediaCommons.

Violence in Chicago escalated when federal troops came to break the 1894 Pullman factory strike, as illustrated in this drawing from Harper’s Weekly. More than one thousand rail cars were destroyed, and 13 people were killed. (Photo courtesy Chicago Historical Society) via WikiMediaCommons.

As we read about yesterday, the Right -to -Work (for less) folks don’t believe in honoring “Labor Day” since the holiday has the connotation of honoring organized labor.

Yesterday marked the 120th anniversary of the United States holiday known as “Labor Day”.

in 1894 President Grover Cleveland asked Congress to declare a holiday celebrating “labor” on the first Monday in September. The reasons behind his request were as convoluted as the Freedom Foundation”s decision to work on Labor Day- if you go to their website, you will find out that they took the Friday before Labor Day as a holiday. (yes we boycott the national holiday, but we WILL take a day off anyway) NO hypocrisy there, correct?

Labor unrest had been so prevalent in 1894 that President Cleveland had called out the National Guard to try to quell the national railroad strike.  The Guard was ineffective at getting the striking workers back to work, and the leader of the American Railway Union, Eugene Debs, was imprisoned for 18 months for contempt of court for not calling off the strike when ordered to. A Federal Judge actually halted the strike by placing an injunction against the strike on the grounds that  the strike interfered with the delivery of the US Mail, most of the which was delivered by train in 1894.

Why did President Cleveland ask for the date to be in September? Because May 1 had already become an international day to celebrate “Labor”. Cleveland did not want the celebration in the United States to become “radicalized” by celebrating at the same time as other labor celebrations around the world.

Labor Day offered a day for organized labor to celebrate its’ achievements of a less than twelve hour workday and the 5 day work week. In the last 120 years, Labor Day ‘s significance has been a mirror to what is going on in the labor movement in the United States. Today the struggles with blatant hostility against unions shown by the Koch Brothers, the Tea Party, Walmart and other corporate “citizens” show us that ‘Labor Day’ is still a day hard fought for. (I think Walmart ran a “Labor Day Sale” promotion- although those workers did NOT get the day off.) The flip side of that fight is the fact that fast food workers and day care workers are seeing that union representation is part of the key to a better life.

Only time will tell if the United States will still have a Labor Day holiday 120 years from now. if so, what will be the reasons it is celebrated? If not, what will be the catalyst for it to no longer be significant?

LIVE BETTER, WORK UNION. We at Occupy World Writes hope you enjoyed your labor day for all the right reasons.



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The Freedom To Do Dumb Things


Labor Day parade in New York city 1882. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

Labor Day parade in New York city 1882. Photo via Wikimedia Commons

Today is Labor Day. It’s traditionally seen as the end of summer and a day of outdoor picnics and family gatherings, as well as being the second busiest shopping day of the year. However, it was (and is) first and foremost, a day to celebrate the social and economic achievements of workers; a well deserved day off.

However, to the Freedom Foundation  – a conservative think tank based in Olympia, Washington – Labor Day is the proof of the power of unions, which to them equals the decline of America. So, instead of taking the day off, they plan to work all day instead.

Freedom Foundation CEO Tom McCabe, when announcing the “work-in”, said: “I can’t think of a problem in society that can’t be traced in some way back to the abuses of organized labor, so it would be hypocritical of us to take a day off on its behalf,”

One of the joys of living here in America is that people have the freedom to say and/or do idiotic things if they so desire, and the Freedom Foundation’s exercising that freedom today. Occupy World Writes hopes that they have a fun day at work. As for us, we’ll be celebrating the contributions that unions have made to our country.

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The Role of Unions in Today’s Economic and Political Climate

By Gretschman for Occupy World Writes

Photo by David Shankbone (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Photo by David Shankbone (Own work) [CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

My involvement in the Occupy movement became direct and personal when I married my wife, who was then involved in a local Occupy group. In addition to my liberal thinking, I am a drummer in a blues band and have been a member of a trade union for over 32 years. In 1979, I quit my job in a restaurant working for what was then $.20 more an hour than minimum wage. How do I remember what I made? Because I had to threaten to quit four times to get a nickel raise each time.

In 1980 I took a job as an electronics technician, which required that I join the I.B.E.W. (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) under the “SPACE” agreement, an acronym for Sound, Public Address and Communication Employees. Today, this contract is called the “Limited Energy Agreement.” which covers the aforementioned disciplines as well as fire alarm, security and some CATV, broadband and voice & data employees.

During the years that my employer remained signatory to this collective bargaining agreement, I paid attention to the bargaining process but was not an active participant in the negotiating, only the voting, as there were close to 20 employers and 200+ employees in the bargaining unit. In the late 1980’s my employer learned that he could opt out of the SPACE agreement and have a stand alone agreement only covering his employees, which tipped the bargaining numbers in the favor of my employer, and for us as employees as well, since our main concern was regarding our work and our welfare.

Before I continue, let me explain why I believe so strongly in labor unions and the collective bargaining process.

My brother has lived in the south all of his adult life. He currently resides in Georgia, which is a “Right To Work” state, or more accurately described as a “Right To Work For Less” state. As what my brother did for a living was never covered under a union contract, if my brother’s employer found someone who was willing to do my brother’s job for less money, the employer could discharge my brother and give the other person the “right to work for less” pay. Under a union contract, there is wage protection and there has to be cause to be discharged from employment.

Also keeping with the theme of where my brother was employed, my brother had a co-worker named Luther. Luther was always paid one or two dollars less than his co-workers. Why? Because Luther was black. And in the south this blatant discrimination still takes place. Under a union contract, everyone has to paid at least the wage and benefits set forth in the contract, regardless of race or gender.

One of the other reasons that I believe in the collective bargaining process is that I have been told point blank by non-union employers that the only way they can keep their good employees is to pay them a wage competitive with union employers, or their employees will either leave or attempt to become unionized.

I have a friend who attended the University of St. Thomas. When I told her about negotiating a contract, she stated that she was taught by her business professor that collective bargaining doesn’t work, to which I replied, “For whom?”

I will now attempt to share what it was like to be a shop steward and after that, explain what negotiating a contract is like.

Being a shop steward is a thankless job. As such, you are responsible for taking any grievances to management and your union representative as well as being the liaison between the rank and file and your employer.

During my tenure as shop steward, the company I worked for had a change in ownership. I was informed on a Thursday afternoon that as of quitting time on Friday, we (the union employees) were all officially terminated and that we would have to apply for employment on Monday and, oh, by the way, the new owners had decided it would be a non-union shop. I replied that none of the union employees had any intention of applying for non-union positions on Monday. I was then told we had better turn in our company trucks because they would be needed on Monday. I responded that since we were all terminated on Friday, they needed to come and get their trucks.

This was before the days of cell phones and email. I spent a lot of hours on the phone that Thursday evening and Friday. When the “negotiating” for our jobs was done Friday afternoon, I had an agreement in place for the contract to be signed by the new owner’s representative to succeed the previous contract with no change in terms.

Usually contract negotiating is done by having the union negotiating committee sit down with management’s negotiating team 60 to 90 days prior to the expiration of an existing contract. Each side customarily brings a list of proposed modifications to the contract, and the negotiating is nothing more than give and take on these items. Once a proposed contract is hammered out, it is taken to the rank and file to be voted on. Simple majority rules. One simple rule of contract negotiating is this: language costs money.

My experiences from 32-plus years as a union member has given me an unique perspective. I know many people who do not understand that the labor union battles fought for decades have given way to the modern standard compensation package that includes a 40 hour, 5 day work week, overtime pay, paid vacation, sick time and health benefits for employees of even nonunion employers. Yet the attacks on labor unions have increased and legislation has brought 23 states to “Right To Work” status, taking the effectiveness and protection of union membership off the table for millions of employees.

The 2012 election cycle is a prime example of these latest attacks. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker wanted to abolish the unions representing the state employees and enact “Right To Work” legislation. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder jammed “Right To Work” legislation through a lame duck session immediately following the election, giving the residents of Michigan an early Christmas gift they can not exchange for something they actually need. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney proclaimed in a speech that “when” elected, he would repeal the Davis-Bacon Act by executive order his first day in office. In its most simple terms, the Davis-Bacon Act is a method of ensuring that the wages and benefits paid by employers contracted to do work for the government or financed through a government agency are fair and what is considered reasonable, taking the job classification and geographic location into consideration.

From our politicians to the largest corporations, we see labor unions opposed through any means possible. In 2000, the meat cutters in the Jacksonville, Texas Walmart voted to unionize. Rather than bargain in good faith, Walmart eliminated their in-house meat cutting operations. The lockouts imposed on the striking workers at Crystal Sugar during their contract struggles another example of the model of “capitalism” that the 1% champions. But these examples of greed actually only champion the inequality between the 1% and the 99%, which stifles job growth and diminishes the effectiveness of the middle class in this country.

How this helps the 99% and our country, I don’t know. But I’m sure it plays well on Wall Street and with the 1%. In my estimation, the middle class of this country was built on skilled labor getting a fair wage and benefits. A lot of this was accomplished through the collective bargaining process that is a benefit of union membership. If you eliminate this process, the middle class will pay the price as a collective population and all the battles and work will have been for nothing.


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